Peachland Post for Sept 15

 And if ye believe on his name ye will repent of all your sins, that thereby ye may have a remission of them through his merits. Helaman 14:3


Sacrament Program

Sept 15, 2024

Opening Hymn: 1009. “Gethsemane (Simplified)”**

Opening Prayer: Angie Hofstedt

Sacrament Hymn: 181. “Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King”

Speaker: Stacy Bridston

Speaker: Trent Garrison

Speaker: Harland Carpenter

Musical Number: “Come, Follow Me” by the Ward Choir

Speaker: Steve MacLeod

Closing Hymn: 145. “Prayer is the Soul’s Sincere Desire”

Closing Prayer: Jeff Hill


*Sheet Music for the new hymns can also be found in the file box in the church lobby.

**PLEASE use the SIMPLIFIED version of “Gethsemane” from the file box in the foyer: 1009-S. It is much easier to follow than the one in the Library app. OR on your cellphone get the “Sacred Music” app and go to the “Simplified Hymns...” tab. Scroll down to “Gethsemane”. The Primary will sing the first verse and chorus, then Br. Hofstedt will bring the congregation in for the rest of the song.

1&3 Sunday School  -  2&4 EQ, RS, YW, YM  -  5th Combined



Tanya Palomares Temple Session


Sept 12, Thurs 12:30 Session, LA Temple 

Tonya Palomares will be attending the temple for the first time and invites Peachland Ward family to attend. 

Peachland Ward Youth FSY Night

Sept 15, Sun, 6:30 pm at Peachland

For the Strength of Youth. Answers to Gospel Questions. Casual dress. Parents invited to attend. Treats to follow the meeting.

Peachland Ward Temple Trifecta FINAL DATE for the year

Sept 21, Saturday, 3:30 pm Session at the LA Temple

Donna and Martin Hengst Temple Session

Sept 27, Fri, 10:30 am Session, Sealing at ***12:30*** pm, LA Temple 

Donna will be attending the temple for the first time on Sept 27 (10:30 am session) and being sealed to Martin that afternoon (1 pm). The Peachland Ward family is invited and welcome to attend. *** Please note the correct time for the sealing is 12:30 pm

Peachland and SC1 Primary Program 

Oct 20, Sun, 10 am at Peachland

  • Sunday, Sept 29: Practice 11-12 in the chapel

  • Sunday, Oct 13: Practice 11-12 in the chapel

  • Friday, Oct 18: Final Practice 3:30-5:30 in the chapel, with pizza and popsicles to follow in the cultural hall

  • Sunday, Oct 20: Primary Program at 10 am!!

Peachland Ward Halloween Party - Moktoberfest! 

Oct 26, Sat, 5:30 pm at Peachland

Rootbeer, Pretzels and Brats followed by Trunk or Treat! Costume parade for the kids.



Peachland Ward Choir

Choir has restarted! Join us Sunday. Our start time has changed to 12:15 in the RS room unless otherwise specified. We will present “Come Follow Me” on Sept 15. Please contact Melanie Marsh with questions (661-400-3996) or

Meet at 9:00 am on Sunday in the chapel to finalize "Come, Follow Me" and have a few minutes to rehearse "He Shall Feed His Flock" as well. There will be no afternoon rehearsal.

September 15, 9:15 am in the chapel (tentatively) OR regular rehearsal

September 22, regular rehearsal

September 29, regular rehearsal OR 9:15 am in the chapel

October 6, NO REHEARSAL (General Conference)

October 13, regular rehearsal

October 20, regular rehearsal

October 27, present "He Shall Feed His Flock"

Visits to Dorothy Moulton

Dorothy Moulton is at an assisted living home in the neighborhood of Vista Valencia and near Meadows Elementary School. Anyone can pop in for a visit. You knock, sign in at the door and she’s happy to chat with you. She’s having trouble moving but her mind is sharp and she’d love visitors. Address: 25703 Whispering Trees Way, Valencia, California, 91355

Peachland Primary Activity Days

Typically on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month, 7 pm at the Peachland Building. All primary children turning 8 this year, and up, are invited to attend. Please contact Megan Haslam for more info.

Hymns – For Home and Church

Thanks to Chris Halladay for sharing more about the new hymns and where to find them. Her “How To” instructions as well as links to all the new hymns can be found at this link.

Peachland Building Cleaning Assignments

Cleaning assignments for all of 2024 are posted at this link

Contact Napoleon Cailipan or Andrew Woodhead for more information. Cleaning now has two start times! Early start at 6 am, normal start at 7 am. Building Reps do toilets, tile floor, and trash. Families vacuum carpet and clean the glass doors. 

Sept 14 Fischer, Amanda and Andrew; Schlottman, Stephanie and Joe

Sept 21 Garrison, Denae and Michael; Seegmiller, Darrin and Katie

Sept 28 Haslam, Megan and Ryan; Setterberg, Chris

Peachland Ward Youth Activities

Peachland Ward Youth Activities are generally every Wednesday night. Please contact Chelsea Bulkley for more info.

Peachland Ward United Missionary Prayer

Sundays, 4 pm

Please continue to join us as a ward family to pray for opportunities to share the gospel and to support our ward missionaries. Consider praying for our ward missionaries by name: Elder Weeks and Elder McIff.



New Hymns Released

As the gradual release of the Church of Jesus Christ's new global hymnbook continues, nine new hymns have been added to the “Hymns—For Home and Church” collection. Click here for more information from the Church Newsroom.

The nine new hymns are:

“Amazing Grace”

“Holding Hands Around the World”

“Anytime, Anywhere”

“God’s Gracious Love”

“My Shepherd Will Supply My Need”

“Oh, the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus”

“Behold the Wounds in Jesus’ Hands”

“This Is the Christ”

“Come, Lord Jesus”

Stake Family History Class


Sept 12, Thurs, 7 pm, McBean Relief Society Room

How to Get the Most Out of with Guest Teacher Keri Carpenter

Stake Special Needs Support Group

Sept 13, Fri, 9:30 - 11 am at Amanda Wheat’s Home (28507 Herrera St. Valencia, CA 9135)

The Special Needs Support Group is back starting 9/13! New location, new date, new time! Come join us!

Church Friend to Friend Broadcast

Sept 14, Sat, 9 am 

Sharing The Love of Jesus with Others. This 15-minute episode is fun, engaging content made just for kids and can be used at home or in Primary to help teach children about the gospel of Jesus Christ. There will be music, stories from children around the world, inspirational messages, and a visit from Louie the Toucan! Click Link for viewing Info

River Rally Clean Up – Hart Park Clean Up Service Project

Sept 21, Sat 8-11 am, Hart Pony Baseball and Softball Complex (23780 Auto Center Dr)

Supplies provided! Please pre-register at

Stake RS Fireside with Courtney Rich (Relief Society and YW)

Sept 22, Sunday, 7 pm

With special guest speaker Courtney Rich who is currently serving on the YW General Board

Stake Day in the Temple

Sept 28, Saturday, 8:30 am or 3:30 pm

General Conference Broadcast

(No Meetings at Peachland on this Weekend)

Oct 5-6



Stake Special Needs Support Group

Sept 13, Fri, 9:30 - 11 am at Amanda Wheat’s Home (28507 Herrera St. Valencia, CA 9135)

New location, new date, new time! Come join us!

DI Trailer at the McBean Building

The DI trailer is at the McBean building. Email or text me (Rachel, 650-533-8946) for the code to the lock. Click here to see what items are acceptable for donation.

Stake Addiction Recovery Program

Single Adult and YSA Activities

Single Adults

Be sure to get on the RS GroupMe for the latest updates on Single Adult Activities

Dinner/Movie/Game Night

Sept 28 Saturday 6 pm Saugus Building

Break the Fast Potluck

Sept 29, Sun, 4 pm Main Dish Provided. Devotional to follow.

Come Follow Me class 

Mondays, 7-8:15 pm at McBean

Midweek Devotional on Zoom

Wednesdays, 7-8 pm

(Contact Vangie Domingo for the link)

Stake Family Search Resources 

Stake Sports - Volleyball

Beginning Aug 22, Thurs at McBean

Open play volleyball begins on Aug 22, Thurs.

Adult and Young Men at 6 pm

Adult and Young Women at 7:15 pm


Temple Worship and Resources

Temple Recommends

Click this link for info on interviews for a recommend

Interviews with stake leaders are available without appointment 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays, 11:30-1:00 at the stake offices at McBean.  

Click this link for LA Temple Appointments

Electronic Temple Recommend Format

A new Electronic Temple Recommend is being piloted in Southern California! Click here for details on how to activate yours.

Put the Savior First Through Temple Service  Elder Kevin Hamilton said, "The Savior comes first.  We seek a closer relationship with Him, so we go to the house of the Lord and receive ordinances and make covenants with Him, binding us to Him.  Then we enable that for our deceased ancestors by seeking them out and performing temple ordinances for them." (Elder Hamilton, Liahona, August 2024 pg 12).  Visit HERE to find a person who needs temple ordinances.

New "Temple & Covenants" Podcast.  Enjoy weekly messages centered around our temple service with BYU Speeches' new "Temple & Covenants Podcast.  Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts or visit this link.

Peachland Ward Temple Trips

Temple Trifecta: March 30, June 29, and Sept 21, followed by a shared meal

Stake Temple Days for 2024

July 20, Sept 28*, Nov 16

Sept 28: Please note the date change



Click this link to all the info for the missionaries from the Peachland Ward who are serving full time missions for the Church.


To contact missionaries in Newhall to come by, reach out to Elder Weeks and Elder McIff (661-670-6790). They are serving us faithfully here in California! Would you like to share a weekend dinner with the Missionaries? Talk with Donna Hengst!



The Peachland Ward content, images, and other materials are not sponsored nor endorsed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints nor does it officially represent the Church in any way. This is not an official, Church-sponsored website. Please contact Rachel Davis at with comments or questions.
Copyright © Peachland Ward