Peachland Ward Choir

Our time has changed to 12:15, still in the PeachlandRS room. Check below for the short term schedule. Please contact Melanie Marsh with questions (661-400-3996) or

Note from Melanie:

Hello everyone,

We had a good rehearsal last Sunday. We'll put the final finesse on this Sunday morning. Please arrive in the chapel by 9:00 am. Listen to the recording!

Remember, we will introduce "My Shepherd Will Supply My Need" to the congregation as the opening hymn: we'll sing the first verse, melody only. The congregation will be invited to join us for the other verses and you can sing whichever part  you wish. We'll sing "Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee" in the musical number slot; if time is running short, we may be asked to push it to the closing hym. 

All are encouraged to remain in the choir loft during the meeting, if personal circumstances permit.

We will sing "Take Time to be Holy" on February 23rd.

 See you Sunday at 9:00!


For presentation later this year:  

"O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus" - not the best recording, but workable

Rehearsals are at 12:15 pm in the RS room unless otherwise specified:

January 19, 9:00 am rehearsal in the chapel; opening song "My Shepherd Will Supply My Need" and musical number "Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee"
January 26, regular rehearsal
February 2, NO REHEARSAL (Fast Sunday)
February 9, regular rehearsal
February 16, regular rehearsal
February 23, 9:00 am in the chapel; present "Take Time to Be Holy"



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