Peachland Ward Cleaning Schedule

Contact Napoleon Cailipan or Andrew Woodhead for more information. Cleaning now has two start times! Early start at 6 am, normal start at 7 am. Assignments are divided to easy, fun cleaning work activity.

Peachland Ward Building Representative is happy to let families know improvements and changes in Building Cleaning Assignment Schedule:


1. Successfully transitioned from 4 ~ 5 Families to 2 Families.

    By September 2023, onwards, Families will have Cleaning Schedule every 2 years.


2. Cleaning work split into two:


    Friday at 7:00 PM - Toilet, Tile Floor and Trash removal

    Saturday at 6:00 AM (early start) and 7:00 AM (regular start) - Vacuum carpet, Glass doors


    A Building Rep will do Friday clean work.

    A Building Rep and 1 Family will do Saturday clean work.


    Building Representative always ready to assist.


By Friday night, all toilets and floor tiles, and trash removal are completed as stated in the changes above.


Saturday is Carpet and Glass Doors cleaning. Route is West to East Side of the Building. This is task for Families with Building Rep assistance.


The next time you will get your Cleaning Schedule Assignment is 2025.



Thank you for your service.



Building Representative:

    Napoleon Cailipan

    Andrew Woodhead 



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