Peachland Post for July 7

 …She knew that it was the power of God; and supposing that this opportunity, by making known unto the people what had happened among them, that by beholding this scene it would cause them to believe in the power of God, therefore she ran forth from house to house, making it known unto the people.

Ammon 19:17

Sacrament Program

July 7, 2024

Opening Hymn: 27. Praise to the Man

Opening Prayer: Steve MacLeod

Sacrament Hymn: 184. Upon the Cross of Calvary


Closing Hymn: 131. More Holiness Give Me

Closing Prayer: Liz MacLeod

1&3 Sunday School  -  2&4 EQ, RS, YW, YM  -  5th Combined



Check out the 2025 Come Follow Me study guide! We’ll be studying the Doctrine and Covenants. Available now in the Gospel Library.

RS Activity - Restaurant Night

July 23, Tues

Heads up that another evening out with the sisters is coming in July! Stay tuned for details.

Help Needed: Temple Cleaning

Aug 13, Tuesday, 6 am - 1 pm at the Baptismal Entry (West Door)

Any time you can come during these hours will be welcome! No need to sign up: just come. Please wear work clothing and comfortable shoes. Adults or Young Adults only (no youth, please). Endowed members please. Click here for complete information.

Peachland Ward Father-Daughter Campout

Aug 16-17 - Lake Piru, Group Campsite 1

Mark your calendars! More details to come.



Hymns – For Home and Church

Thanks to Chris Halladay for sharing more about the new hymns and where to find them. Her “How To” instructions as well as links to all the new hymns can be found at this link. Note that our opening hymn this Sunday will be one of our new ones (1001, Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing).

Peachland Building Cleaning Assignments

Please note updated assignments for the summer. Cleaning assignments for all of 2024 are posted at this link

Contact Napoleon Cailipan or Andrew Woodhead for more information. Cleaning now has two start times! Early start at 6 am, normal start at 7 am. Building Reps do toilets, tile floor, and trash. Families vacuum carpet and clean the glass doors. 

July 6 Bridston, Scott and Stacey, Amir

July 13 Bufkin, Bruce; Jacqui and Yovany Montoya

July 20 Bulkley, Chelsea and Shane; Dejah and Mike Morris 

July 27 Cannon, Stephanie and Tris; Payne, Carlene and Bryan

Peachland Ward United Missionary Prayer

Sundays, 4 pm

Please continue to join us as a ward family to pray for opportunities to share the gospel and to support our ward missionaries. Consider praying for our ward missionaries by name: Elder Hatch and Elder Silva.

Friends in Christ Scripture Study with the Missionaries 

Weekly, Weds, 7 pm at Peachland (24915 Peachland Ave)

Join the Peachland Ward missionaries and friends to learn more about Christ. All invited! Games and Refreshments. 

Peachland Ward Choir

Ward Choir is on summer break! Stay tuned for more music in the fall. Please click through to the Peachland Ward Choir page for all the details or contact Melanie Marsh to get on the weekly email list!

Peachland Ward Activity Days

Activity days are on summer break!

(Typically on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday every month, 7 pm at the Peachland Building. All primary children turning 8 this year and up are invited to attend. Please contact LeAnn Wach for more info.)

Peachland Ward Youth Activities

Peachland Ward Youth Activities are generally every Wednesday night. Please contact Chelsea Bulkley for more info.



Valencia Stake Conference

Aug 10-11, Sat and Sun

Please note newly announced dates. This will replace the Stake Conference usually scheduled in October and we will be sustaining a new stake presidency.

Stake Blood Drive

Aug 17, Sat

Stake Seminary Parent Meeting

Aug 18, Sun

Stake RS Activity Cakes By Courtney

Sept 22, Sunday, 7 pm

With special guest speaker Courtney Rich 

Church Friend to Friend Broadcast

Sept 14, Sat 9 am 



DI Trailer at the McBean Building

The DI trailer is at the McBean building. Email or text me (Rachel, 650-533-8946) for the code to the lock. Click here to see what items are acceptable for donation.

Stake Addiction Recovery Program

Single Adult and YSA Activities

Young Single Adult Temple Trips!

All young single adults attending home wards as well as the YSA ward are invited to attend the YSA regional temple day on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 3:30. YSA from all areas are also invited to gather together afterwards at 5:30. 

Single Adults

Be sure to get on the RS GroupMe for the latest updates on Single Adult Activities

Come Follow Me class 

Mondays, 7-8:15 pm at McBean

Midweek Devotional on Zoom

Wednesdays, 7-8 pm

(Contact Vangie Domingo for the link)

Stake Family Search Resources 

Stake Special Needs

**No Meetings June, July, August**

Support Group generally on the 2nd Thursday of the month, except during the summer. Everyone is welcome to come learn, find support and guidance.


LA Temple 

Click this link for info on interviews for a recommend

Click this link for LA Temple Appointments

Help Needed: Temple Cleaning

Aug 13, Tuesday, 6 am - 1 pm at the Baptismal Entry (West Door)

Any time you can come during these hours will be welcome! No need to sign up: just come. Please wear work clothing and comfortable shoes. Adults or Young Adults only (no youth, please). Endowed members please. Click here for complete information.

New Baptistry Times Available for Summer

The Temple Presidency has decided to open the baptistry from 1:00 – 4:00 pm on Fridays for the months of June, July, August and the first week of September.  You can schedule these times online!

July  5,12, 19, 26

August 2,9  (Temple is closed on 16, 23)

September 6

Peachland Ward Temple Trips

Temple Trifecta: March 30, June 29, and Sept 21, followed by a shared meal

Stake Temple Days for 2024

July 20, Aug 10, Nov 16



Click this link to all the missionaries from the Peachland Ward who are serving full time missions for the Church.


To contact missionaries in Newhall to come by, reach out to Elder Silva and Elder Hatch (661-670-6790). They are serving us faithfully here in California! Would you like to share a weekend dinner with the Missionaries? Talk with Donna Hengst!



The Peachland Ward content, images, and other materials are not sponsored nor endorsed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints nor does it officially represent the Church in any way. This is not an official, Church-sponsored website. Please contact Rachel Davis at with comments or questions.
Copyright © Peachland Ward